Harriet Jeon

PhD Candidate

The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Email: hyjeon@wharton.upenn.edu

About Me

Hello! I am a PhD candidate at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, where I am fortunate to be advised by Hummy Song

My research broadly focuses on problems in healthcare operations faced by a range of stakeholders, including startups, health systems, and governmental agencies, both in the US and abroad.  I am particularly interested in designing and evaluating data-driven solutions to enhance the social sustainability of service systems and their workforce. 

Prior to  my doctoral studies, I was a predoctoral fellow at the Tobin Center for Economic Policy at Yale University. I completed my B.S. in Economics with a minor in math at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. 

I am on the 2024-2025 job market. I will be presenting at INFORMS 2024 at the following sessions: 


Working Papers

[SSRN] [Job Market Paper]

with Claudio Lucarelli, Donatien Ngabo, Jean-Baptiste Mazarati, and Hummy Song

o Media coverage: Bloomberg, Science, Think Global

o Second Place, INFORMS Public Sector OR Best Paper Award 2023

o Finalist, INFORMS Health Applications Society Best Student Paper Award 2023

o Accepted for MSOM Healthcare SIG 2023

o Accepted for Empirical Research in Operations Management Workshop 2022

o Accepted for Early-Career Sustainable Operations Workshop (Flash Talk) 2022


with Song-Hee Kim, Hummy Song, Kyeongsug Kim, Sangwoon Cho, Jeong Hee Hong

o Accepted for Empirical Research in Operations Management Workshop 2024

o Accepted for MSOM Healthcare SIG 2024

with Steven T. Berry, Zack Cooper, and Fiona Scott Morton

In Progress

 with Song-Hee Kim, Hummy Song

 with Hummy Song and Christian Terwiesch

 with Ruochen Sun